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1. 詢問和需求分析:客戶首先需要與公司聯繫,提供搬運的基本資料,如搬運日期、搬運起點和目的地點、大致的物品類型和數量等。這有助於公司初步了解客戶的需求。


2. 上門估價:根據客戶提供的資料,公司可能會安排專業人員上門評估。在上門評估過程中,專業人員會實地查看需搬運的物品,評估物品的體積、重量及是否需要特殊包裝或處理,並與客戶討論搬運細節。


3. 提供報價:基於上門估價的結果,公司會提供一份詳細的報價單,包括搬運費用、包裝材料費用(如適用)、任何特殊處理的額外費用等。報價通常會考慮到搬運距離、物品的多少和複雜性等因素。


4. 協商和確認:客戶在收到報價後,可以與公司進行進一步的協商,討論細節或請求調整服務範圍以符合預算。一旦報價和服務細節被客戶接受,則雙方會確認搬運日期和時間。


5. 搬運服務:在約定的日期,公司將派遣搬運隊伍執行搬運服務,根據約定的服務範圍進行包裝、搬運和安置等工作。


6. 服務完成與付款:搬運完成後,客戶檢查物品無誤並滿意服務後,依據報價約定進行付款。


The "Packing Items" service offered by Eastern Asia Moving Company Limited focuses on providing customers with a comprehensive and detailed packing solution. We understand that proper packing is key to ensuring the safe arrival of items, whether it’s for moving homes, office relocations, or any other form of transportation. Therefore, our expert team utilizes high-quality packing materials, including but not limited to bubble wrap, foam, sturdy boxes, and specialized cushioning materials, to offer the best protection for your items.

Our services encompass professional packing for delicate art pieces, fragile items, electronics, and furniture. Each item is individually packed according to its size, shape, and fragility to ensure its safety during the move. Additionally, we also provide unpacking services to help customers quickly settle into their new location by placing each item where it belongs.

Choosing the "Packing Items" service from Eastern Asia Moving Company Limited means opting for a worry-free moving experience. We are committed to ensuring your items are protected from start to finish with our professional service and meticulous care.